Erfahrungen einer Studentin in Flensburg
Coming to Germany I knew was going to be one of the most interesting experiences of my life but nothing prepared me for what was ahead. The mentor family program has been designed for students ( SESAM) to experience German life in the city of Flensburg and this was one of the things I had not anticipated. When I first met my family I did not know how to act around them, coming from a background where visitors are highly esteemed but there are limits as to how you relate with them and being too free is one of them. I was therefore very cautious with my words and actions. They then invited me to their home for the first time and that day we had just come from snow sleighing at Christiansen Park. It was very cold it was being my first time to be out in the snow that long so they thought it would be a good idea if I can shower. I was shocked at this that the first day in their home they would be that personal as to allow me to take a shower in their home. I was very amazed. The next days were tremendous. I met this family and they have become like my family away from home. We do various things together one of which is singing.
I love to sing and sometimes feel like I express myself best in this way. My mentor family is very musical so I felt very at home being around them and it was no surprise when my mentor mum invited me to sing in her choir and I said yes. She however, after listening to my interests, directed me to another choir with one of the mentor mums who participate actively in the program, Marion, as I longed to sing gospel songs in a gospel choir. This is how I joined a team of wonderful people and got a chance to participate in a concert where I did a Kiswahili song. It was amazing to be so far away from home and get such a golden opportunity, I was very humbled and being a Christian owed it all to God.
The mentor family program has enriched my experience here in Flensburg Germany. Not only have I been able to experience firsthand German culture in a German family set up but I have also been able to be who I am and participate in the things am passionate about and this has really enhanced my studies at the University. I thank all the overseers of this program and encourage them to continue in the same spirit and reach out to many other students like me.